When we invest in real estate, borrowing money is not bad as long as we have drawn up a plan for which the risk-return equation is striking. In fact, most real estate projects are financed or participated by entities or partners, but we must bear in mind that there is a possibility that the project does not go as expected and we end up in debt. That is what happened to Donald Trump, who was seen owing billions to the banks.

And finally, US real estate investors do not play it when it comes to putting their investments in their name.

That is, if they buy three office buildings, create 3 different companies. One for each building. In this way, a company can endorse a new project, and in case of legal action, only the property in the company’s name could be taken, without being able to touch the rest.

The same is true of civil lawsuits in the event that someone is injured by the collapse of a plant or a tile falling on the head inside our property.

When investing in real estate, any big investor will recommend you do it this way.

But above all, in the real estate market, the time to enter, as in the actions, is the essential.